A- A morning calm before I stand a cup of coffee in my hand. B- "Brew or Americano?" he smiled and said "You!". C- "Come on, You better hurry because you're late now honey". I said with a pace palm ahead. D- Day by day memories flashed back. I couldn't help but to cry. At that time he walked away in our wedding day was the saddest and painful times I've ever felt. It feels like the whole world pushed me down. E- "Egg or Ham?" my friend said. "Hey!" You're out of you're mind again. How can you move on when you always think about him!He's gone 2 years passed when he turned his back at you." F- For a moment of silence I bowed my head and said "Letting go is a choice but moving on is a Process." with tears fell down on my food. G- "Got to go now" I said with a forcing smile on my face.and she said,"Where?" "In a place where I can let him go in my heart...
Together we walk through my amazing journey of life......